Setup Guide

Here is a complete Step-by-Step guide to setting up your trading bot. If you have any questions or get stuck on any of the following steps, please join our Discord!

  1. Create an or Raindrop Account

  2. Purchase the Bot of your choosing by clicking the hyperlink or copying and pasting the following URL into your browser.

    CRE-45 -

    CRE-45 -

  3. If using Astrabit purchase your Astrabit Bot by clicking the hyperlink or copying and pasting the following URL into your browser.
    *Any of the Trading bot strategies can be used with this bot.

  4. Create an account on one of the following exchanges by clicking on the hyperlink or copying and pasting one of the URLs into your browser.
    Bitget -
    ByBit -
    OKX -
    Bitfinex -
    Kraken -

  5. Connect your API Keys to the either of the trading platforms Astrabit/Raindrop. A Tutorial is available for each by clicking on the hyperlink or copying and pasting one of the URLs into your browser.
    Raindrop docs -

    Astrabit docs -

  6. Create Your Bot
    Go to your dashboard on Astrabit/Raindrop
    Select the strategy you purchased.
    Set bot type to single entry.
    Set the exchange to the exchange you linked.
    Give your bot any name
    Choose the exchange pair that correlates to the strategy.
    (CRE-45 - ETH/USD)
    Set your allocation and leverage.
    ALL Risk Parameters such as TP1, TP2, SL and TTP are built into the strategy and 100% automated so leave that section unchecked.
    Click Create Bot!

    Congratulations! Now all that’s left is to join our Discord and to keep track of your portfolio’s progress!